"Welcome Aboard!" If boating is more than just a hobby to you...it's your passion, then you've come to the right place.

The City Island Sail and Power Squadron is a unit of District 4 of the United States Power Squadrons®; a nation-wide boating organization that promotes safe boating by educating both the public and its members.

We are dedicated to helping people like you become informed, safe and happy boaters.

We offer a PUBLIC SAFE BOATING COURSE each spring and fall. Instruction is free and there is a nominal charge for materials. If you complete the course with a passing grade you can apply for a discount on your boat insurance.

If you are at least 16 years of age you can also apply for squadron MEMBERSHIP and continue your boating education.



"Destiny passes inspection "
P/C Barbara Mandarano and Vessel Safety Examiner Lt Nelson Font"





For VSE information, please go to the "Vessel Safety Check" tab.
Our Certified Vessel Safety Examiner is: Lt Frank Kolovic




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